Spread Your Wings

category Pedagogical Practices

Implement pedagogically context-appropriate sound practices linking assessment for/as/of learning, planning for learning, instructional strategies and approaches to engage all students in relevant and personalized learning

Technology Enhancing Assessment in PHE

This is the online open resource that is the product of my 2019 inquiry project as part of my learning in the UVic PDPP teacher candidate program. The title of my inquiry is T.E.A.L., an acronym for Technology Enhancing Assessment… Continue Reading →

T.E.A.L. #4 – Final Steps, Preparing for Gallery Walk

The title of my inquiry is T.E.A.L., an acronym for Technology Enhancing Assessment List. My plan is to explore different technologies and describe their relationship to the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains of Physical and Health Education (PHE) assessment. This week… Continue Reading →

T.E.A.L. #2 – Getting Started, Looking Ahead

The title of my inquiry is T.E.A.L., an acronym for Technology Enhancing Assessment List. My plan is to explore different technologies and describe their relationship to the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains of PHE assessment. A week into my inquiry and… Continue Reading →

EdTech Inquiry #1 – T.E.A.L.

Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories. Laurie Anderson This first blog post of my inquiry is to provide an introduction to my inquiry and rationalise some of my resources. In choosing a topic and narrowing down… Continue Reading →

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