The title of my inquiry is T.E.A.L., an acronym for Technology Enhancing Assessment List. My plan is to explore different technologies and describe their relationship to the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains of Physical and Health Education (PHE) assessment.

This week I am wrapping up my tech inquiry and setting up my first of two gallery walks that I’ll be participating in as the semester nears an end. My blog will serve as evidence of my progress, as I reflected here on developing and focusing my inquiry into a tangible project. I have felt confident during many parts of this process, but I’m at the stage of the project where I have far less self-efficacy: the display building process. Luckily, I have retained the services of a designer who has both eased my creative anxiety and helped me create a brilliant display.

Now that I’m at the end of my inquiry, I can have a good look at what I’ve learned from this process and where I’m headed from here. I have certainly learned much about assessment in PHE throughout my inquiry. I learned about assessment as learning, for learning, and of learning. I continued to learn what assessment looks like in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains of learning. Late in my inquiry process I learned about TPACK, a theory that changed my thinking entirely around the use of technology in teaching.

One important aspect of this inquiry is to create an artifact, a lasting resource from my efforts to serve others in the future. My hope is that other teachers and teacher candidates can access my open online resource to improve their assessment practice in PHE. That artifact will be the final post in this inquiry blog, titled “Technology Enhancing Assessment in PHE”.

Thank you for stopping by and reading. – Mike