Huginn and Muninn's Roost

Spread Your Wings

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Jeff Hopkins and PSII

On Friday, October 11, our cohort travelled to a private school to see how they interpret and practice education. The school is PSII, or Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry, and the founder is an individual named Jeff Hopkins. Hopkins… Continue Reading →

The 2000 Challenge #4 – Update, Dealing with Defeat, and Open Pedagogy

2000 Challenge – Discover ways to improve at chess and attain the rank of expert. Thanks for following my blog as I document my progress in this challenge. This week was another fun week of playing and learning about chess…. Continue Reading →

Jesse Miller, Social Media, and a Higher Standard

Today in EDCI 336 we had a great talk about social media and internet safety with a guest name Jesse Miller. Listening to my instructor, it sounded like we were fortunate to land someone with as much expertise to talk… Continue Reading →

The 2000 Challenge #3 – Progress, Resource Update, Looking Ahead

This week I spent a few hours on my 2000 challenge. I spent 10-20 minutes a day during the week doing chess puzzles. Solving puzzles are great for when I’m taking transit to and from school, and when I’m relaxing… Continue Reading →

Stellys Field Experience Reflection #1

  Friendliness is contagious I had my first meaningful interaction with a Stellys student on Wednesday, Sept 18. I met a grad who was volunteering through her leadership class to help administer the Terry Fox run. We were stationed at… Continue Reading →

The 2000 Challenge #2 – Goals, Realities, and Getting Started

This puzzle is one of many that I completed this week on Lichess, feel free to give it a try. White to play, find checkmate in 6 moves. I’ll post the solution at the bottom of this post. This week… Continue Reading →

Kahoot! In Classrooms – Pros and Cons

A Quick Run-Down Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that can be used for formative assessment in classrooms. It is becoming popular in secondary schools and has potential to be useful for all teaching disciplines, and even out-of-class activities like… Continue Reading →

The 2000 challenge

2882 – The highest chess ranking ever attained – reached in 2014 by Magnus Carlsen My free inquiry for EDCI 336 is called the expert challenge. My central question is: in what ways can I learn to become a better… Continue Reading →

Five Best Technology Resources In Secondary Schools

One of my biggest fears is feeling well prepared at the beginning of class, only to have my technology fail on me. I’m ready, but there’s no sound, or there’s a connection issue with my chromebook. It’s the tech crisis,… Continue Reading →

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